Speaking up November 30, 2016art career, culture, Homeartist pay, feminism, gender gap, gender inequality, reader response, women painters By Carol Douglas Working artists offer a lively response to yesterday’s post on the gender gap.
A tale of two pretties November 29, 2016art career, cultureart industry, Cady Nolan, feminism, gender gap, SNAAP, social justice, Yayoi Kusama By Carol Douglas Spare me the liberal pieties about social justice, my art-industry friends, until you are willing to promote, support and compensate women in the arts.
In praise of ships’ cooks November 28, 2016culture, Home, MaineAmerican Eagle, cookstove, galley, Matthew Weeks, ocean liner, pies, Sarah Collins, Thanksgiving, transatlantic, USS Constitution, woodstove By Carol Douglas Without the humble ship’s cook, none of us would be here today.
Holiday multitasking November 23, 2016culture, Home, Maine, paintingart career, Carol L. Douglas, holiday travel, Kelpie Gallery, multitasking, painting, pies, Thanksgiving By Carol Douglas How do you get the pies and the paintings to come out at the right times?
Learn to paint in beautiful Acadia November 22, 2016art history, Home, Maine, plein air painting, teachingAcadia National Park, Carol L. Douglas, Christmas giving, learn to draw, learn to paint, plein air painting workshop, Schoodic Head By Carol Douglas It’s the holiday season, and I’m thinking about workshops. Yeah!
Art is history November 21, 2016art, culture, Home, travelFinland, history, Ilmarin Kynnös, Performance art, Reijo Kela, Silent People, Suomussalmi, Suomussalmi Youth Workshop By Carol Douglas The townspeople themselves have become the custodians of the art. What motivates them?
What am I grateful for? November 18, 2016creativity, culture, HomeCarol L. Douglas, Giles Wood, gratitude, Mary Killen, painting, The Spectator By Carol Douglas Most artists understand the problem of being broke in the company of wealthier people, but that isn’t what made me laugh aloud.
It’s a fake, darn it! November 17, 2016art historyart history, Carol L. Douglas, drawing, fakes, forgery, learn to draw, learn to paint, The Lost Arles Sketchbook, Vincent van Gogh By Carol Douglas I feel like a kid who just got socks for Christmas instead of the toy I really wanted.
A question of identity November 16, 2016culture, Homecancer, Carol L. Douglas, colon cancer, health, Lynch syndrome, old age, Pastor Alvin Parris, uterine cancer By Carol Douglas I know too many people who are entering old age in prisons of health problems to want to build one for myself.
A neighbor tells me about Beech Hill November 15, 2016culture, Home, MaineBeech Hill, Beech Nut, Carol L. Douglas, Hans O. Heistad, landscape architecture, Maine, Rockport By Carol Douglas You never know what you’re going to learn at the grocery store.