What has the NEA done for you recently? January 23, 2017art, art history, cultureAndres Serrano, National Endowment for the Arts, NEA, Orr C. Fisher, public funding of art, Robert Mapplethorpe By Carol Douglas America would hardly be a cultural wasteland without the NEA. In fact I doubt anyone would notice it was gone.
Resolving disagreement, the art history way January 18, 2017art history, culture, faith, HomeAugustine of Hippo, baptism, Carol L. Douglas, Catacomb of Callixtus, John Nicholson, Rogier van der Weyden, Santa Maria Antiqua Sarcophagus, theology By Carol Douglas In a post-truth world, art doesn’t lie.
Is love really too much to ask? January 17, 2017art history, culture, Home, paintingCarol L. Douglas, hate, internet, love, post-truth world, racism, Sir Stanley Spencer, violence By Carol Douglas Two innocent babies belittled on a racist website. It’s the ugly underbelly of the internet.
Made in China January 16, 2017art, craft, cultureAuguste Rodin, Carol L. Douglas, Daniel Chester French, Lei Yixin, Martin Luther King Jr Memorial, Maya Lin, Schoodic Sculpture Symposium, Stone of Hope By Carol Douglas The committee that chose Lei Yixin to sculpt the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial has a lot to answer for.
Two old-timers debate the future January 6, 2017art, cultureAlbrecht Dürer, Ilya Repin, life expectancy, meaningful work, Nicolaes Maes, Nikolaos Gyzis, old age By Carol Douglas The government has told my age cohort that it wants us working longer. It hasn’t, however, given us any way to force employers to keep us.
A @#$% of a hangover January 2, 2017art career, culture, HomeCarol L. Douglas, Christmastide, Epiphany, New Year, North End Shipyard, painting career, still life By Carol Douglas Among us old-timers, the lights remain on, stubbornly, until Epiphany.
Happy Christmas December 26, 2016cultureCarol L. Douglas, Christmas, happiness, Luc-Olivier Merson. By Carol Douglas Immanuel—God with us—takes many forms. A Merry Christmas to you all.
Ivanka is a problem only for really rich artists December 24, 2016art career, culture, HomeAlex Da Corte, Alex Israel, Carol L. Douglas, copyright, Dan Colen, Ivanka Trump, moral rights of artists, Nate Lowman, VARA, Visual Artists Rights Act of 1990 By Carol Douglas Sorry, dude. Demanding that your painting be removed from a collection isn’t within the legal rights of American artists.
Your favorite artist you can’t remember December 22, 2016art career, art history, cultureCarol L. Douglas, colored pencil, Eloise Wilkin, illustration, Little Golden Books, RIT, Simon & Shuster, women artists By Carol Douglas If you loved Little Golden Books, Louise Wilkin probably had a hand in shaping your ideas about art.
World’s Okayest Mom December 21, 2016culture, HomeCarol L. Douglas, Christmas, Dac Hoa, ducks, Make Way for Ducklings, parenting, Robert McCloskey, Rochester, Sandy Quang, Zeyuan Chen By Carol Douglas Perfect mom? I blew that a long time ago. But kid traumatized for life? Turns out it ain’t completely so.