There’s something to be said for not jumping in too fast to ‘fix’ a plein air piece. You can easily destroy what’s quirky and wonderful about it because to your tired eyes it looks just wrong.
It is ironic that so many of the contemporary Maine windjammers are from ‘away’, because in the 19th century Maine led the nation in schooners and sloops engaged in the coasting trade.
“Oh, snap!” I thought. The tides and the changing length of the day are just two physical manifestations of something we learned in high school. It was great to have my gut feeling validated like that.
The Maine coast was quarried for two centuries to build America. There are certain parts of the coast I cannot visit without seeing the Manhattan skyline overlaid on the scenery.
From working in and around tourist destinations, I’ve noticed how perennially exhausted most people are when they arrive on vacation. Still, they fight to stay awake, since their vacation is the one week they’ve set aside for fun.