Tag Archives: learn to paint

Running in place

Yesterday Bobbi Heath asked me if I want to go to Stonington next Friday to deliver our work for the Penobscot East Resource Center’s 7th annual buoy auction. I’ve participated in this event for several years, since it’s an organization I believe in. “Are you finished with yours yet?” she asked in an all-too-perky tone. I […]

Boat out of water

Occasionally I miscalculate and stumble into the cordon of standstill traffic on I-495. That happened yesterday. I spent a lot of time contemplating truck traffic that would have been better employed in the North End Shipyard sketching the Grace Bailey. As much as I’ve enjoyed visiting Buffalo, I was concerned that I would miss her. Built […]

The Zorn Palette is a lie

Brad Marshall and I spent a great deal of time considering the paintings at the Anders Zorn show at the National Academy Gallery in 2014. I came away with a new appreciation for Zorn’s virtuosity, especially in watercolor. Zorn knew how to paint in the low, indirect light of the north. But he was never “known for using […]

The ones you love

  “When I were your age,” the old woman wheezed, “there weren’t no such thing as Holocaust deniers. If we’d tried that on Mrs. Rothschild next door or old Mr. Mastman… you remember Mastman’s Corner Store, don’t you, dear?” She blinked back the years. “Sorry, it was way before your time. “Anyways, if we’d said […]