The meaning of blue: color temperature on a snowy day January 10, 2017Home, landscape, Maine, paintingAmerican Eagle, Carol L. Douglas, color of light, color temperature, color theory, doe, Kelpie Gallery, landscape, Lewis R. French, Maine, snow, snowstorm By Carol Douglas The color of light is one of the most important concepts in painting. It’s most easily understood on a snowy winter day.
The boat wins out June 23, 2016HomeAmerican Eagle, Captain John Foss, Carol L. Douglas, coasting trade, Lewis R. French, Maine, plein air, Pulpit Harbor, Rockland, schooner, windjammer By Carol Douglas It is ironic that so many of the contemporary Maine windjammers are from ‘away’, because in the 19th century Maine led the nation in schooners and sloops engaged in the coasting trade.