Tag Archives: Ocean Park
A mystery
13 paintings in 7 days
No side deals
Far more fun than the convention
What could possibly go wrong?
Augmented reality
Leave the light on
Not a Hudson River School Painter
Two people at this event have commented that I paint like a Group of Seven painter. I’ve been perplexed along with being utterly delighted. Very few non-painters in the US have any idea who these brilliant Canadian painters were. I adore them, not only for their mastery of paint handling and composition, but because their inspiration […]
An Edward Hopper dream
I sometimes drive down Maine roads and think to myself, “There’s an Edward Hopper house.” It will be sitting atop a rise, surrounded by old trees, paint peeling, nothing much changed since 1930. I never imagined I might stay in a Hopper painting, but here I am. The owner of this rooming house—who might have modeled for Hopper in […]